Monday, May 7, 2012

Dude... what kind of spider is that???

Given the recent fact that my computer decided it had enough for a few days, 
I spent some more time out in nature, and just exploring and having fun. That is where
I got the idea for this blog. This is just a general introduction into some creepy crawly
spiders than can be found though out the US, and are known to be venomous in some 
shape or form to humans. Now I don't know about you guys, but I can say for
myself, I am not a huge fan of spiders at all. So let us dive into the world of arachnids

Lets start with the Brown Recluse Spider which can be aggressive and deadly..This spider
is all over the US, but is more common in the southern states. It enjoys dark, cool places 
such as wood piles. There is some good news here tho, because according to my
research, this spider can not bite a human with out counter pressure. The most common
bites from this spider are because of it being in a bed, in clothing, or someone pressing on it. 
A bite might cause a stinging sensation, however, you may not even know you have
been bit. You will then notice a white blister over the area of the bite. If you suspect
that this little bugger did bite you, you need to seek medical attention. The venom
that this spider has, is one that will destroy tissue. It is brown in color
 with a characteristic dark violin-shaped (or fiddle-shaped) marking on its head 
and has six equal-sized eyes (most spiders have eight eyes). Again, if bitten seek
medical attention as quick as you can.

The next spider is the Black Widow. Again, this little bugger is all over the US,
but is more common in the southern and western states. This spider is a black
spider with red markings, usually in the form of a hour glass on the underside.
A bite from this spider can be deadly, however, usually it is not. This 
spider prefers woodpiles, rubble piles, under stones, in hollow stumps,
 sheds and garages. Indoors it can be found in undisturbed, cluttered areas
 in basements and crawl spaces.A bite from this spider is dangerous especially
to the young and elderly. There is an anti venom, so if bitten seek medical attention.

A hobo spider can be found anywhere in Washington, Oregon,
 Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. They rarely climb vertical 
surfaces and are uncommon above basements or ground level. A bite from one
of these spiders, does not hurt at first in most cases, however, this 
changes quickly. These are serious bites, and end up causing problems.
After 24 to 36 hours the bite will blister and break open, leaving a large
oozing wound. They can cause a few problems, such as vision, muscle weakness,
memory problems. If bitten seek medical attention.

 These are some of the more common you will run into, however there are
more out there, that are considered to be low risk to humans. Now I will
leave you with a very interesting fact on spiders, that will shock you.
The story about the grand daddy long legs, is not true. They have the same
fang structure as the brown recluse, so they can indeed bite a human.
They are venomous, but not so much that they are the most
venomous spider out there. I have been unable to find a single
human bite from one of them, so there is no need to worry.
Until next time..

Country Boy

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